7 Things You Didn’t Know About Pyrite!

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Pyrite, commonly known as "fool's gold," is often mistaken for real gold due to its metallic appearance and resemblance to the precious metal. While pyrite may not have the same monetary value as real gold, it still holds significance and is worth having. Pyrite, also known as the "stone of fortune," is sought after for its magical ability to attract abundance and prosperity. This visually stunning stone has powerful energetic properties that help to manifest desires and promote creativity, motivation, and self-confidence. Pyrite is a powerful and enchanting stone worth having.

: Leo
Planet: Mars, Sun
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Element: Fire, Earth
Vibration Number: 3
Deity: Persephone, Ra
Colors: metallic, pale brass, pale yellow, “gold”

1. Pyrite, the Origins of a Name
With its first discovery recorded by Dioscorades in 50 AD, the name Pyrite comes from the Greek word pyro meaning “fire”. It is said that this association came from the fact that striking the stone against another material such as iron would cause sparks. In early times, this gave man a way of creating fire; in later times, this stone’s ability made it popular for use in early firearm devices. Even today, it is still used in the production of sulfuric acid. The term “fool’s gold” comes from the simple fact that pyrite was often mistaken for gold because of their striking resemblance. Curiously enough, gold is often found adjacent to pyrite deposits. It would be foolish to find pyrite and not look a little further.

2. Pyrite, a Divination Stone
Next to obsidian, pyrite is another stone which was often used in scrying practices. The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas of Southern Mexico would polish large slabs of pyrite until it gained a mirror-like surface upon which they would gaze and search for messages regarding the future. The Native Americans also believed that they could look into one’s very soul when peering into the surface of a polished piece of pyrite.

3. Pyrite, a Stone of Power
Frequently used by North American Indian shamans in amulets, pyrite was believed to hold a special magic. They called it “the stone of power” and as medicine men would often use it in healing rituals, it was also sometimes called “the healer’s stone”.

4. Pyrite is found in Lapis Lazuli
Lapis lazuli, the deep blue gemstone that has captivated humanity for centuries, has a hidden secret within it: pyrite. At first glance, one might only see the deep blue hue and intricate patterns of the stone, but upon closer inspection, tiny flecks of glittering gold can be seen scattered throughout. These flecks are not gold, however, but rather pyrite, a mineral with a metallic luster that complements the blue of the lapis lazuli perfectly. The combination of these two minerals creates a stunning effect that has made lapis lazuli a sought-after gemstone for centuries, from ancient Egypt to modern-day jewelry makers. Despite its popularity, the fact that pyrite is present in lapis lazuli remains a fascinating secret that adds to its allure and mystique.

5. Pyrite, a Stone of Good Fortune
For thousands of years, it has been believed that pyrite is a stone of good fortune which attracts wealth and prosperity. The theory is that if it is well cleansed and touched by no one else but the owner, a piece of this stone kept in the pocket will bring abundance and luck. Interestingly enough, when mining for pyrite, if one digs a little further they will be sure to find actual gold.

6. Pyrite in Spiritual Healing

Aside from being a great stone for attracting wealth, pyrite is said to be a great enhancer of determination and manifestation. It also creates balance and flow between the right brain and left brain functions. This helps to transform intuition and creativity from thoughts into rational and logical action. Try meditating with pyrite while saying out loud what it is you wish to accomplish and this stone will help you stay on track until you succeed. Pyrite has been used by many ancient civilizations throughout history and is still a famous stone today. It was often used by the ancient Greeks, Romans and Native Americans who believed the stone contained healing powers and pure magic within. With archaeologists having unearthed many fascinating pyrite artifacts over the years, one can only imagine the rich history associated with this stone. Here are seven things you didn’t know about Pyrite. 

7. Pyrite in Chinese lore
In ancient Chinese lore, pyrite held significant cultural and spiritual importance. The Chinese believed that the earth was a golden cube covered by a round sky, and pyrite was seen as a physical manifestation of this belief. They believed that the mineral contained the power of the earth and sky, making it a symbol of harmony and balance between the two. Pyrite was often used in Chinese art and architecture to represent the earth, as its metallic shine resembled the color of gold.

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